Never have to guess if your internet connection is working properly.
Internet Speed Test
BBMonitor will run in the background while running an internet speed test as often as you like and displays the
results in a graph. Make as many tests and as often as you would like. To test the speed of your internet connection just run BBMonitor and download a large file.
Click here to jump to the download section.
Testing your internet connection is very important these days. Predators like Spyware, Adware and Hackers are prowling the internet searching for people that eaither have no firewall or that have security holes. These predators can be very
dangerous as they can destroy your computer or even worse, they can get your financial information including passwords to you financial institution. Using BBMonitor to ensure that the speed and bandwidth correlates wil the data you are transfering
will help you to be sure that nobody else is accessing your computer, and if so, taking the neccessary steps to stop them.
BBMonitor will also help you to be sure that you are getting the internet speed that you are paying for from your ISP. BBMonitor records all the internet speed test results in an MS Access database so you can easilly access the speed test results to show your ISP how your internet speed is acting.
Many people do not even realize that their internet connection goes down 70% of the day, because they are not using the internet all day long. You are paying for an internet connection to be there when you need it, not when it is conveinent for them.
Using BBMonitor to show them that it is happening gives you proof of your internet speed test results and your ISP will either have to fix the problem or discount your monthly rates. Do not let your ISP get the best of you, fight back with BBMonitor.
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